Based off your previous answer, how an extracellular molecule know the location of its receptor? Still in progress. I've made these...
Inside a cell, large molecules are densely crowded so much so that the average distance between two macromolecules is typically less than...
An extracellular molecule knows the physical location of its receptor: Color for the radar has been updated to a brighter color. Needs to...
S2 Q1-3
Based on your previous answer and assuming there are several instances of the complementary receptor present, an extracellular molecule...
S1 Q1 and Q2
For the questions: An extracellular molecule tries to move towards a complementary receptor Animations will most likely be set in stone...
Feedback and Suggestions from Stuart
S5 Propelling motion: Stronger propelling motion. Small molecules not consistent with rest of the animations -> maybe use medium sized...
nParticles, and xGen expressions
nParticle Creation Expression: to make instanced objects different radius -> for collision purposes One for CustomIndex -> for instancing...
REB edits
REB revisions. Questions raised prior to sending forms in (aiming for Monday) Q26.b: Research risk: estimated to be low. Should it be...
S5 Q1 + Q4 Playblasts
Version 2: Better ligand movement towards receptor Version 3 : More turbulance for the small molecules. Smoother ligand movement Random...
In this shot, the ligand is pushing itself through the EC environment towards the receptor. What is the mechanism of an extracellular...